Rocketbook Wave vs Fusion | Comparision in 2024

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Last Updated on April 27, 2024 by Kamaljeet kaur

Choosing one out of Rocketbook wave vs fusion is a little hard until you don’t know what differences and similarities they have. 

So, I have done solid research to find out the differences and similarities between both notebooks. And in this guide, I’m going to share that information with you. 

Once you clearly understand how Rocketbook Wave and Fusion differ from each other. It will be quite easy for you to decide which one you should pick.

So, let’s jump into the Rocketbook Wave vs Fusion guide.

Rocketbook Wave vs Fusion: Quick Comparison

Here is a side-by-side comparison of Wave and Fusion. So, let’s quickly understand what differences and similarities both rocketbook notebooks have.

Rocketbook Wave

Rocketbook Fusion


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Erasable & Reusable

Up to 5 times

Endlessly reusable

Available Sizes

Standard Size: 8.5  x 9.5 in

Executive Size: 6 x 8.9 in

Letter Size: 8.5 x 11 in

Executive Size 6 x 8.8 in

No. of pages



Page Styles


dot-grid + lined + weekly planner + monthly calendar + OKR +  idea list page

Cleaning Method


Water & Towel




Pilot Friction included



Microfiber cloth included



Digitize notes with rocketbook app



Quick sharing icons on the bottom of each page,




Differences between Rocketbook Wave & Fusion

Let’s first discuss how the Rocketbook Wave and Fusion differ from each other. 

1) Rocketbook Wave vs Fusion: Reusability

One of the major differences between Rocketbook wave and fusion is reusability. 

Both are reusable notebooks. But the rocketbook wave is erasable and reusable up to 5 times. 

Whereas the rocketbook fusion is endlessly reusable. It doesn’t mean that you can reuse fusion for a lifetime, but it can last for years. 

2) Rocketbook Wave vs Fusion: Cleaning method

As you know, Rocketbook notebooks are reusable, so you can clean your notebook to reuse it again. Both notebooks have different cleaning methods.  

Rocketbook wave is a microwave-safe notebook. So, to reuse the wave you can clean it using the microwave. But keep in mind that you can only erase and reuse it up to 5 times, as discussed above.

Rocketbook fusion is not a microwave-safe notebook. So, to reuse Fusion, you can clean its pages with a damp microfiber cloth. 

With fusion, you will get a microfiber cloth. All you need to do is take a damp cloth and wipe clean fusion pages. And after that, Fusion is ready to use again. 

3) Rocketbook Wave vs Fusion: No. of pages

Rocketbook wave and fusion have different page counts. So, let’s see how many pages you will get with these notebooks. 

Rocketbook Wave has 80 pages. Whereas Fusion has only 42 pages. 

4) Rocketbook Wave vs Fusion: Page Styles

Rocketbook notebooks come in different page styles, which make them unique from each other. 

The rocketbook wave pages have a dot-grid pattern. As the Wave has 80 pages, so all the pages have the same pattern, which is a dot grid. 

Fusion has 7 different page styles. Here are how many pages you will get for each page style in the fusion notebook:

  • Task list (1)
  • Weekly planner (2)
  • Monthly calendar, (2)
  • OKR goal template,(1)
  • Idealist,(1)
  • Dot-grid, (18)
  • Lined pages (18)

5) Rocketbook Wave vs Fusion: Size

Both notebooks come in two different sizes, but their dimension varies. So, let’s have a look at the sizes of the rocketbook wave and fusion. 

Available Sizes of Rocketbook Wave: 

  • Standard Size: 8.5  x 9.5 in
  • Executive Size: 6 x 8.9 in

Available Sizes of Rocketbook Fusion:

  • Letter Size: 8.5 x 11 in
  • Executive Size 6 x 8.8 in

So, Rocketbook Wave and fusion differ from each other in size as well.

Similarities of Rocketbook Wave & Fusion

Apart from differences, both notebooks have some same things. So, let’s talk about their similarities. 

1) Both Come with Pilot Friction Pen

With both rocketbook notebooks, you will get one pilot friction pen. You can use it for writing in your rocketbook notebook.

2) Both allow the digitization of notes using the Rocketbook app

The Rocketbook app is compatible with both the Rocketbook Wave and Fusion. With both notebooks, you can scan, share and store your notes in the cloud for the future. 

3) Both have 7 symbols to organize notes 

Both notebooks have 7 symbols that you can program to easily organize your notes. If you don’t know what these symbols mean, then here is a brief about them. 

Both notebooks have 7 symbols at the bottom of each page. Using your rocketbook app, you can assign each symbol a destination location. Once you are done writing, then you can mark a cross at the corresponding symbol where you want to store that page. 

Let’s suppose you assigned Google Drive, Gmail, and Dropbox locations to the first, second, and third symbols, respectively. 

After finishing writing, you want to store your page on Google Drive. To do so, you can mark the cross at the first symbol (as in this example, we are assuming that the first symbol is assigned to Google Drive). 

So, when you scan your page, the rocketbook app will read the crossed symbols and automatically store & organized them in Google drive. This is how you can quickly store and organize notes in your desired location. 

Which One is Best Wave or Fusion?

Both notebooks are designed for specific purposes. So, which one is best totally depends upon your specific needs. 

To pick the best rocketbook notebook, firstly decide what type of notebook you want and accordingly pick a perfect fit for you. 

Here are a few examples to choose the best out of Core & Fusion

If you want a microwave-safe reusable notebook, then the rocketbook wave has that feature. 

If you want a notebook that comes with multiple page styles, including note-taking, dot-grid, and planning pages, then rocketbook fusion has that option. 

If you want a notebook that can be erasable or reusable multiple times? Then fusion can be a good fit. 

The Wave is only erasable up to 5 times, but it can also last for a long time because it has 80 pages just double of fusion pages.

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