Rocketbook Core vs Fusion | Find Differences in 2023

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Last Updated on November 13, 2022 by Kamaljeet kaur

Want to know how Rocketbook core and fusion differ from each other? Perfect! Let’s read this Rocketbook core vs fusion guide to clear your doubts!

No doubt! Both Rocketbook core and fusion are reusable notebooks based on the same technology. Despite that, both have some unique things that make them different from each other. 

I have done solid research to figure out the differences and similarities between the Rocketbook core and fusion. I’m putting together that information in this guide.

With no further discussion, let’s directly jump into the Rocketbook core vs fusion guide.

Rocketbook Core vs Fusion: Quick Comparison

Here is a quick comparison of Rocketbook Core and Fusion. Let’s have a look at the differences and similarities quickly!

Rocketbook CoreRocketbook Fusion
Available SizesExecutive | LetterExecutive | Letter
No. of pages32 pages with executive size
36 pages with letter size
42 pages with both sizes
Page stylesOnly 1-Page style (lined or grid)7 different page styles for planning, organising, note-taking and more.
Multiple colour options
1 Free friction pen & microfiber cloth 
Rocketbook App
Blast notes to clouds
7 quick sharing icons on each page
PriceCheck Core Grid Price
Check Core Lined Price
Check Fusion Price

Want to know the differences and similarities between Rocketbook core and fusion in detail? 

Perfect! Let’s discuss it!

Differences Between Rocketbook Core and Fusion

Let’s first talk about how Rocketbook core and fusion differ from each other and then we will discuss their similarities.

Rocketbook Core Vs Fusion: No. of Pages

The no. of pages of the Rocketbook core varies based on the size. With letter size, it offers 32 pages and with the executive size 36 pages. 

The no. of pages of Rocketbook fusion doesn’t vary based on the size. With both sizes, it offers 42 pages. 

So, Rocketbook core gives you either 32 or 36 pages(based on size) whereas Rocketbook fusion comes with 42 pages. It means the no. of pages in Rocketbook fusion is slightly more. 

Rocketbook Core Vs Fusion: Page Styles

Rocketbook core has only a one-page style, but you have the option to choose either lined or grid pages.

It means if you choose Rocketbook core lined, all pages have only one style which is lined or ruled. And if you choose Rocketbook Core dot-grid, again, all pages have only one style, which is a dot-grid pattern. 

Based on your need, you can either choose Rocketbook core lined or grid.

Rocketbook Fusion has 7 different page styles which make it unique from Rocketbook Core. Here are the page styles with no. of pages:

  • Task list (1)
  • Weekly planner (2)
  • Monthly calendar, (2)
  • OKR goal template,(1)
  • Idealist,(1)
  • Dot-grid, (18)
  • Lined pages(18)

As discussed earlier, Rocketbook fusion has 42 pages, so these pages are divided into 7 different page styles as above. 

The only major difference between Rocketbook core and fusion is the page styles. 

Rocketbook core lined or core has only a 1-Page style and Rocketbook fusion comes with 7 different page styles, as mentioned above.

Similarities Between Rocketbook Core and Fusion

Free pilot friction pen and microfiber cloth

With Both, you will get 1 free friction pen which you can use for writing on your Rocketbook. And you will also get 1 free microfiber cloth which you can use to clean your pages to reuse. 

Rocketbook size

Both Rocketbook core and fusion come in two different sizes, executive and letter size. Following are the dimensions of the executive and letter-size Rocketbook:

  • Letter: 8.5″ x 11″
  • Executive: 6″ x 8.8″

Letter size can be best for students because you will get more space. Executive size can be a perfect option for professionals because this gives you a diary-size reusable notebook.


Both are available in multiple colours. There are over 10 colours from which you can choose one as per your interest.

Write with any pilot friction pen, marker or highlighter

Rocketbook says with both you can use any pilot friction pen, marketer or highlighter of your choice. And if you don’t want to use any other pen, you can use their friction pen, which comes free when you purchase Rocketbook core or fusion. 

Digitize with the Rocketbook app

Both Rocketbook core and fusion are compatible with their Rocketbook app which is available for android and IOS. Hence you can easily digitize your handwritten notes using the Rocketbook app.

Using it, you can scan your pages, share with others and blast your notes on cloud servers for future use. 

7 Icons at the bottom of every page

Another cool feature is that both Rocketbook core and fusion have 7 Icons at the bottom of every page. 

What do these icons do?

These icons help you to quickly organize your notes by just marking a cross on the icon. All you need to do is simply head over to your Rocketbook app and assign each symbol the desired storage location. 

For example, you can set up the first symbol for Google Drive, the second for Gmail and so on. Once you’re done writing on your Rocketbook, you can simply cross the symbol based on where you want to store that page. 

Like if you want to store that page on Google Drive, you can cross the corresponding symbol and it is automatically stored on your Google Drive. 

Because when you scan that page, the Rocketbook app will read the crossed symbol and accordingly store it to your desired destination. 

This is how easily you can organise your notes using both Rocketbook core and fusion.

Wipe clean pages to reuse

Last but not least is reusability. To reuse Rocketbook pages, simply take a damp microfiber cloth which comes free with Rocketbook and clear your pages. This is how you can easily clear your pages to reuse your Rocketbook and save paper. 

Which One You Should Choose?

Rocketbook Fusion is best if you are looking for a combined reusable notebook for planning, organizing, note-taking and drawing tasks. Because you can use different page styles based on your work purpose.  

Like if you want to plan your week or month, you can use a weekly planner. For writing your ideas, there is an idealist and for taking notes you can use lined pages. 

Rocketbook core is best if you want a reusable notebook for taking notes only, drawing graphs or you want to create your own planning and organising pages. Because you can use a single-page style(dot-grid or lined) based on your needs.

Want a Rocketbook with only lined pages? YES! Check Rocketbook Core lined. 

Want a Rocketbook with only grid pages? YES! Check Rocketbook core grid 

Want a Rocketbook with multiple-page styles for planning, note-taking and others? YES! Check Rocketbook Fusion.

Over To You,

I hope you will now understand the differences and similarities between the Rocketbook Core and Fusion. Figure out your needs first and accordingly decide which one is best for your specific needs. 


6 thoughts on “Rocketbook Core vs Fusion | Find Differences in 2023”

    • For maths, you can also check the rocketbook matrix that can be a good fit for you.

      Otherwise, you can pick rocketbook core or lined based on what type of pages you like.

      Fusion is best if you want planning pages as well along with blank and grid pages.

  1. Thank you, with your insights, I will be able to be more organized and better serve my students. Writing your findings in a simple way made be want to try this.
    I appreciate you and wish you well and more success.


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